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Welcome to our web site! We hope you will consider worshiping with us. We are a people who know that we are far from perfect but are still loved by God. We are committed to reaching out to others with the love of Jesus who welcomed all people. We offer a place to connect with others and a place to connect with God. Come and visit us. You are welcome to join us as together we learn what it means to follow Jesus.

What to expect when you visit Bethany Lutheran:

You will enter by the south driveway. Parking lot is on the west side of the church. As you enter the church you will go straight ahead where you will be greeted by friendly greeters. The sanctuary where we worship will be to your left. The service is easy to follow as it is printed in our bulletins. We offer Holy Communion each Sunday and you are welcome to come and receive it if you wish. If you'd rather not, that's OK too. Instructions will be given that day on how to take Holy Communion. 

If you're not yet comfortable worshiping in the sanctuary, you're welcome to listen to the service on the radio while parked in our parking lot. Tune to FM 87.9, and an usher will bring you a bulletin and an individual communion kit.

Our worship services are generally about an hour long. You are more than welcome to join us for coffee and donuts in the fellowship hall following worship. 

Restrooms are to the right of the entryway and in the east hallway. A nursery is provided. Please ask the ushers to show you where that is located. We are handicapped accessible.

The lessons for this Sunday can be found on the Lectionary and Devotional Tab.


Bethany is a Stephen Ministry congregation. For more information about this ministry, click on the "About Us" tab.

    Bethany Lutheran Church
    Reaching out in worship, fellowship, learning and love -- we are God's people

    2515 Madison Avenue | Burlington, Iowa 52601 | PH: (319) 752-3621