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About Us

Our mission is: 

"Reaching out in Worship, Fellowship, Learning and Love - We are God's people." 

Worship services are Sundays at 9:00am.  We offer Holy Communion every Sunday.

We are a church of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. ( 


Bethany Lutheran Church has been preparing for over two years to start up Stephen Ministry for our congregants and community members. We now have well-trained Stephen Ministers who are prepared to provide high quality care to people during a time of pain or struggle.

Stephen Ministry is a highly confidential, nonjudgmental one-on-one listening ministry designed to bring Christ's love to those who are experiencing the storms of life we all experience from time to time.

If you or someone you know is experiencing the loss of a loved one, divorce, serious illness, hospitalization, move to long-term care, job loss, relocation, family separation due to military deployment, onset of a disability, loneliness, spiritual crisis, stresses related to a new baby, or other life trial, please know that God did not intend for us to face these troubles alone. Our compassionate Stephen Ministers are available to walk with you and support you through these challenging times.

Please contact the church (319-752-3621) or Kim Engle (319-371-5415), our Stephen Leader, will contact you promptly to let you know more about this wonderful ministry of service.


Meet our Pastor!  

Pastor Misha McFarland-Pollock came to us in June of 2024 as a 2024 Graduate from Wartburg Theological Seminary with an MDiv Degree with a concentration in rural ministry.  She was recently ordained at First Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh, PA on May 24, 2024.

Michelle Huppenbauer has worked for Bethany since 2012. She left for a brief period, then returned as the Financial Secretary in 2018. In December, 2022 she returned as our Office Administrator and now works as the Financial Secretary as of July 2023.

Wendy Bell is our Office Administrator.  Wendy started with Bethany in July 2023

Cory Byrne Is our organist and choir director. He teaches middle school music at Fort Madison.


Bethany entered into a 2023 Missionary Support Covenant with Brian Palmer. Our members/friends sign up each week to donate to Brian's ministry in Liberia. You can check out Brian's newsletter on the Newsletter tab.

2024 - 2025 Bethany Church Council

Dan Harken - President
Tom Bonar - Vice-President
Mike Hopp - Treasurer
Deb Hoxie - Secretary
Tom Bonar - Church Outreach
Julie Chubb - Church Life
Tiffany Huppenbauer - Property
Teresa Morehead - Finance
Bill Mundt - Church Life
Vicki Stoller - Church Life
Susan Swanson - Church Outreach

Bev Sherbondy - Property
Dirk Zaiser - Property

The lessons for this Sunday can be found on the Lectionary and Devotional Tab.


Bethany is a Stephen Ministry congregation. For more information about this ministry, click on the "About Us" tab.

    Bethany Lutheran Church
    Reaching out in worship, fellowship, learning and love -- we are God's people

    2515 Madison Avenue | Burlington, Iowa 52601 | PH: (319) 752-3621